Sollten Sie bei der Nutzung des Produktdesigners Hilfe benötigen, so zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns unter zu kontaktieren. Bitte beachten Sie beim Gestalten:
- Cropping will occur around the edges due to the print process. We therefore advise not to position any important elements right next to the bold border line.
- The standard background is white (unless indicated otherwise) – so if you don’t fully cover the white background and you wish to change the base colour, please click on the white area and select a different colour.
- The print quality can only be as good as the photo(s). Please make sure that your photos are sharp, of high resolution and are generally of a good colour balance and brightness.
(SKU 15084, 14001: 6930, 6931, 6932, 21001: 7755, 7756, 7774, 14242)